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Couverture du Comic Anita Blake Circus of Damned —The Ingenue #5 (of 5)

Marvel nous a dévoilé la dernière couverture du tome Anita Blake Circus of Damned sur la série "Ingenue". On y retrouve Melanie la lamie se battant contre Anita.


Le tome sortira le 18 mai prochain.

Writer: Jess Ruffnerbooth, Laurell K. Hamilton
Penciller: Brett Booth, Ron Lim
In Stores: May 18, 2011
Format: Comic 
UPC: 5960607041-00511
Price: $3.99

The Story: FROM BESTSELLING AUTHOR LAURELL K. HAMILTON: A new series of vampire attacks have kept Anita's hands full. This time, it seems that this is the work of a pack of vampires instead of a lone predator – and they've been after Anita for the name of the Master of the City, but she won't give up Jean-Claude. But will protecting Jean-Claude cost her something more dear?

Source : Marvel

Retrouvez les autres couvertures dans la partie comic AB : Circus of Damned.